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3rd round French Championship 2007 1/10 Offroad

offroad-CULT Forum » Rennszene - Elektro » 3rd round French Championship 2007 1/10 Offroad » 

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    Anmeldedatum: 29.03.2007
    Beiträge: 6

    BeitragVerfasst am: 15.05.2007, 10:44    Titel: 3rd round French Championship 2007 1/10 Offroad
    Gaz-On carried out a complete report at the time of the 3rd round French Championship 2007 Offroad 1/10 electric organized by the MRCI near Paris May the 12, and 13 2007.

    With 114 pilots registered and more than 40 pilots in each Open category, the competition has been very spectacular on the travelling grass track.

    Results :

      4WD : 1st : Carl Maignien on XX4 WE – 2nd : Antoine Rosetti on X-5 (official X-Factory Driver) – 3rd : Lionel Labbez on X10.
      2WD : 1st : Alexander Valente on X-6 - 2nd : Olivier De Montfumat on B4 – 3rd : Thomas Vogel on XXX BK2

    To make you live this event, Gaz-On put on line :

      a complete report race with the innovations and the summary of race
      results of the qualifications and of the finales
      2 galleries up more than 180 pictures
      4 movies (5 minutes) of each finale A and B 4WD and 2WD

    To reach the article, click here !


    Zuletzt bearbeitet von moumerico am 15.05.2007, 10:45, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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    offroad-CULT Forum » Rennszene - Elektro » 3rd round French Championship 2007 1/10 Offroad » 

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