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Complete review of the X-6, the first 2wd from X-Factory

offroad-CULT Forum » RC Offroad News » Complete review of the X-6, the first 2wd from X-Factory » 

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    Anmeldedatum: 29.03.2007
    Beiträge: 6

    BeitragVerfasst am: 25.06.2007, 13:02    Titel: Complete review of the X-6, the first 2wd from X-Factory
    Gaz-On has realised a complete review of the X-Factory X-6 the first 2wd 1/10 with his motor in central position.

    You will find in this review :
      X-Factory – X-6 presentation
      stages of assembly
      test on the European Championship 2005 Track and movie of this test,
      comparative with the Associated B4 Factory Team

    To acces at the review click here !

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    offroad-CULT Forum » RC Offroad News » Complete review of the X-6, the first 2wd from X-Factory » 

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