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JConcepts Illuzion - Asso RC8

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    Autor Nachricht

    Anmeldedatum: 22.08.2006
    Beiträge: 1673
    Wohnort: Österreich

    BeitragVerfasst am: 19.11.2007, 22:54    Titel: JConcepts Illuzion - Asso RC8

    The Illuzion – Scoopless body has turned radical. The Illuzion “Scoopless” styling presents a smooth yet detailed design while incorporating many of the features from the original Scoopless body for the RC10B4. Race inspired aggressive styling, Illuzionized cab and durable design are just some of the features that make the new Illuzion – RC8 body stand out from the rest.


    gruß wolfi
    ThunderTiger Racing - Team Austria
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    offroad-CULT Forum » RC Offroad News » JConcepts Illuzion - Asso RC8 » 

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