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Losi mit elektro eight

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    Autor Nachricht

    Anmeldedatum: 21.05.2008
    Beiträge: 215

    BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2008, 13:49    Titel: Losi mit elektro eight
    schon gesehen?
    losi bastelt an einen 1/8 elektro

    Spy Shot - What's missing from this Losi?
    We were at the track shooting some action shots and we notice the Losi Team was out testing a mysterious new car. You can try to figure out what's missing from that "factory white" Losi 8IGHT. It's not missing color, wheels, a body, or an antenna (okay it's missing that antenna). If you look close you see it's missing an engine, pipe, and if you have XRAY vision a fuel tank.

    That silence is the sound of what should be the first production brushless 1/8-scale from a major manufacturer. This will eliminate the cost of buying an entire nitro kit and having to buy a separate conversions (more money). When, where, and how will all be answered when Losi is ready to show the details of the car...but for now if you are thinking about big electrics this will make for many good dreams about silent racing.

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    Anmeldedatum: 03.04.2008
    Beiträge: 1037
    Wohnort: Viersen/NRW

    BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2008, 15:52    Titel:
    Finde ich eine gute Idee, bin mal gespannt was dort raus kommt.
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    Anmeldedatum: 15.01.2003
    Beiträge: 15344

    BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2008, 15:58    Titel:
    Jep Smile
    > http://www.offroad-cult.org/Board/losi-8ight-18-elo-buggy-in-entwicklung-t7945.html
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