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Rückrufaktion !!!

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    Autor Nachricht

    Anmeldedatum: 15.06.2006
    Beiträge: 695
    Wohnort: Niedersachsen

    BeitragVerfasst am: 21.08.2011, 16:18    Titel: Rückrufaktion !!!
    hab da gerade ne mail von castle bekommen

    ICE HV, Mamba XL & Hydra Ice HV

    Warning & Recall advisory 2011-03

    Aug 20, 2011

    The performance of a component used in the Castle ICE HV 60, ICE HV 80, ICE HV 120, ICE HV 160, Mamba XL and HYDRA ICE HV controllers has changed from the original specifications for that part. This tolerance change may lead to failure of the affected controllers.

    For your safety, we request that all customers cease operation of these controllers immediately. Send all of these controllers back to Castle for modifications required to improve the safety and reliability of these products. This recall includes all controllers labeled as V3. There are no charges associated with this modification.

    The only controllers that are properly modified and are approved for operation will be labeled clearly as ICE HV (Amp Rating) 2, Mamba XL 2 & HYDRA ICE HV 2.

    We understand that you may not wish to return your controller. Those that have served you well are likely to continue doing so; however, controllers that you may have recently purchased should be assumed to be assembled with the problem components.

    If you insist on using these controllers, please be advised that the risks of continued usage begin with severe burns to you and/or others, as well as property damage to your RC vehicle or surroundings. Please wear fire-proof gloves when connecting any HV controllers that use 8 or 10 gauge wire to their power source.


    Click this link and follow the directions of advisory 2011 - 03 to process your return if you have any of the following controllers.

    Phoenix ICE HV 60
    Phoenix ICE HV 160 & ICE HV 160 LITE
    Phoenix ICE HV 80
    Mamba XL
    Phoenix ICE HV 120
    Hydra ICE HV

    da war einer schneller sorry

    Akzeptiere oder verändere!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    und mittlerweile 43 savage´s
    Gruß andy

    Zuletzt bearbeitet von gildetrinker am 21.08.2011, 16:21, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
    Nach oben

    Anmeldedatum: 16.07.2009
    Beiträge: 2595
    Wohnort: 87435 Kempten (Allgäu/Schwaben)

    BeitragVerfasst am: 21.08.2011, 16:21    Titel:
    ist heute bereits im Forum gepostet worden!
    Mit hochverdichteten Grüßen
    Savage XL Flux MMM 6s
    TT01-E Brushless 3s
    Blade MSR
    Nach oben
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    offroad-CULT Forum » RC Offroad News » Rückrufaktion !!! » 

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