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Novak Data Logger

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    Autor Nachricht

    Anmeldedatum: 17.01.2006
    Beiträge: 623

    BeitragVerfasst am: 17.07.2007, 14:27    Titel: Novak Data Logger

    RadioControlCarAction hat Folgendes geschrieben:
    Novak was testing their new Data Logger at the ROAR Off-Road Electric Nats at ARCOR Raceway in Albuquerque, NM and they let me have a sneak peak at it. The Data Logger has about the same footprint as a dime and looks like it weighs hardly anything. The device has plugs for up to 6 different sensors and it collects data on battery voltage, battery current, RPM, engine, motor or speed control temperature, and G-forces. The Data Logger has a USB plug that allows you to hook it up to a PC after you run the vehicle to read the data and it will include the software and a least one sensor. More details to be announced soon.
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