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offroad-CULT Forum » Rennszene - Elektro » INTERNATIONAL PETIT R/C RACE - PARIS 2006 » 

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    Autor Nachricht
    Nicolas PETIT

    Anmeldedatum: 03.01.2006
    Beiträge: 17

    BeitragVerfasst am: 15.01.2006, 03:04    Titel: INTERNATIONAL PETIT R/C RACE - PARIS 2006
    [center]this is the track of INTERNATIONAL PETIT R/C RACE - PARIS 2006 :

    Anothers pics on our Information race's page. [/center]
    RC Car Website magazine : http://www.petitrc.com
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    Nicolas PETIT

    Anmeldedatum: 03.01.2006
    Beiträge: 17

    BeitragVerfasst am: 15.01.2006, 03:06    Titel: Re: INTERNATIONAL PETIT R/C RACE - PARIS 2006
    Actually [COLOR=Red]116 booked places[/COLOR] (>>>>>>>> 120 max !)

    Are already registered :
    - Jorn NEUMANN - Euro Champ 2004
    - Hupo Honigl - Euro Champ 2000
    - Richard Cree - Euro double vice-champion 2005
    - Geoffrey Petit - Double Euro finalist
    - Vincent Héligoin - Double Euro finalist
    - Kim Sitensky - Euro finalist 2004

    All great sponsors will be there next month with :

    > a time keeping professional with Rob' Nelson from BBK Software ;
    > Schumacher with probably the presence of Robin Schumacher ;
    > Team Orion with the presence of Oscar Jansen and Internationals Team Orion's drivers ;
    > Team Durango with Gerd Strenge

    We have actually drivers from :

    - Austria
    - Belgium
    - France
    - Germany
    - Poland
    - Switzerland
    - Italy
    - UK

    Some places are free yet... Actually [COLOR=Red]116[/COLOR] places booked

    Last minute : [COLOR=Blue]Kim SITENSKY (Ger) - Euro finalist 2004 - [/COLOR] is registered.

    [SIZE=3]OFFICIAL RACE's WEBSITE :[/SIZE] http://race.petitrc.com
    RC Car Website magazine : http://www.petitrc.com

    Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nicolas PETIT am 15.01.2006, 03:07, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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    offroad-CULT Forum » Rennszene - Elektro » INTERNATIONAL PETIT R/C RACE - PARIS 2006 » 

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