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Losi XXX-4 vs. 1:8 nitro buggy

offroad-CULT Forum » Elektro - 1/10, Mini- und Micromodelle » Losi XXX-4 vs. 1:8 nitro buggy » 

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    Anmeldedatum: 23.01.2003
    Beiträge: 2182
    Wohnort: Wien

    BeitragVerfasst am: 10.02.2004, 10:28    Titel: Losi XXX-4 vs. 1:8 nitro buggy
    zufällig gerade gefunden:

    da hat jemand mal 1:8-Buggy mit Losi XXX-4 verglichen..
    nicht uninteressant:


    I don't have any first hand experience with 1/8 scale buggies but do own a XXX-4 with a Novak Brushless in it. I have ran on a track with other 1/8 scale buggies (with good drivers) and can make some comparisons based on track comparisons.

    First if you have a lot of experience with nitro and minimal to no experience with electric, I'd suggest you stick with the 1/8 scale buggy. Getting set up for electric if you don't have a start already can get expensive. To get a Novak equipped XXX-4 and be set up for racing you are looking at spending Anywhere from $600.00 to $1000.00 for everything. If however you are already set up fairly well with electrics and would just need a couple of good batteries and the XXX-4 and Novak it might could be worth it.

    As far as overall performance:

    Acceleration: initially the XXX-4 will be a bit quicker out of the hole, but midway down a long staright the 1/8 scale will gain on the XXX-4 and overtake it.

    Handeling: due to the lighter weight and smaller size I'd give the edge to the XXX-4

    Top speed: 1/8 scale buggy wins hands down here, unless you are running the XXX-4 on more than 6 cells, even on 7 the 1/8 is going to have a bit of an advantage. Most upper end 1/8 scale buggies top out around 45-46 mph. My XXX-4 with 6 cells and 1.158 voltage GP3300 cells runs about 36-37 mph top end. That's a lot of difference on a big track.

    Maintenance: XXX-4 with the Novak hands down. This isn't even close. The only thing I do to mine is clean it and make adjustments to the handeling set up as needed. With an 1/8 scale there is a lot of work to be done (I've ran nito before and it was always two hours after running at the track just putting things back together or re-tuning).

    If you run on a small to medium sized track the XXX-4 will generally out perfrom the 1/8 scale buggy, if the track is bigger the 1/8 scale will win.

    The track that I run on is 50 x 90 with a 90 foot back straight. On the back straight I my XXX-4 and the 1/8 scale buggies will make it down the length in about the same amount of time, but the 1/8 scale looks more impressive. My XXX-4 gets to the middle of the straight faster but by the end of the straight the 1/8 scale has a good 3-4 mph advantage over my XXX-4.

    On the infield where there are a lot more turns and jumps my XXX-4 holds it's own very well and in many instances is just a bit faster. This is due to it's smaller size and better acceleration out of the corner.

    Meine Privatseite: www.kraeuterbutter.at
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