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Interview mit Dick Dieter auf Buggy Sport

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    Autor Nachricht
    Globaler Moderator

    Anmeldedatum: 08.11.2004
    Beiträge: 938

    BeitragVerfasst am: 17.03.2009, 17:52    Titel: Interview mit Dick Dieter auf Buggy Sport

    thanks for taking the time for this interview.

    First of all, what is your full name?
    Dick Dieter

    How old are you?

    Where are you from?

    When did you start with rc cars?

    What was your first car and when did you start your first race?
    Tamiya Vanquish, 1991

    Do you still know your result?
    1. place

    So later on you got better and better, what do you think were the most important steps in your career?
    1993 i changed from electric cars to nitro engine powered Off Road cars. First car was a Pirate M1.
    1994 i got my first Kyosho inferno and since this time i only use Kyosho car´s.

    What were your biggest results so far?
    2 nd place austrian championship
    Some wins of national championships

    Who was your first sponsor?
    My parents.

    So looking on to 2009, what will be your racing equipment?
    Kyosho MP-9, Proline/Tourex, Robbe Futaba

    What will be your major events this year where you will take apart?
    EM-A Wölbling
    Austrian championship
    National championship

    What are your objectives for this year?
    Win the national championship
    Good place at the EM-A

    When will be your first race this year?
    19. April (1. race of the national championship)

    How often do you practice?
    It depands but not often.
    Main practice is if i test new things or setup for the car.

    What are you doing if you are not driving with rc cars?
    Working, cause the hobby needs a lot of time and therefore there is no time for other things.

    How is your family situation? Are you married? Do you have children?
    I have a girlfriend and no children.

    I would like to thank you for your time!
    Thank you for the interview.

    Is there anything else you would like to tell to the viewers of Buggy-Sport.Info?
    Have a lot of fun with our hobby !
    Fun must be a big factor

    Thanks and happy racing!

    Quelle: www.buggy-sport.info
    gibt nichts interessantes in der Signatur
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